Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Message From Ericleao

This is the actual massage from ericleao in his blog:
actually, i'm thinking of forming 1 kelas alfa band, only take band member frm kelas alpha, wan can play drum, firdaus can play bass, choka and shuk can play guitar, while i can sing + keyboard...
i dun have the access to the blog alfa0910, so i posted it here...
btw, it's just a suggestion, if u all not agree, thn nvm...^^
Posted by ericleao
Komen Pak G:
1. It is a good suggestion. Pak G sokong 100%.
2. What a pity he doesn't know how to access our blog - every one should know ...
3. Agak-agak Pak G boleh join tak? Nak main apa agaknya?
4. Bagaimana kalau kita wujudkan juga group study ... so kita akan dapat result yang baik masa SPM nanti.


  1. good idea dude....and for the study group, i think that is very good idea....
    harap kenyataan di atas boleh jadi kenyataan...

  2. pernyataan di atas boleh jd kenyataan*

  3. Salam,
    Start with a small group - why don't u start.
    Mcm mana dengan php yang Pak G suruh study?
    -Pak G-

  4. sedang diusahakan...tapi benda tu kompleks sikit..byk jgak kawan2 len yg tgh blajar pasal php nih....

  5. Selamat belajar ... bila dah pandai ajar Pak G.

  6. Nanti Pak G e-mel. Betul ke emel anda:
    -Pak G-

  7. -Pidot-

    aku pun tgh blajaq..
    tpi susah lar..
    aku kna keja...

    for all my fren...
    me now ulang-alik from hospital always...
    something wrong with my liver and lung..
    i really needs you all doakan i....

    for PAK G...
    i'm sorry about your money..
    i know..
    promise is a promise..
    nver broke it down...
    i will pay the money next year...

  8. i will join your band next year...
    this will settle all the racist problem..
    remember that 1 Malaysia is 1 Kolej...
    i need coka to guide me..
    and PAK G..
    you can play the set drum...
    when you play, my face will be like this =


  9. HiidDDDUUUUUUUUUP Kelas Alfa 09-10
    Actually, Pak G tak ada bakat seni ...
    -Pak G-

  10. Kita doakan kesihatan Pidot
    -Pak G-

  11. pak g :
    ya betul emel tu .

    pidot :
    mkn ubat , exercise slalu =.=
