Thursday, February 19, 2009

Interesting Posts

I came across two interesting posts:
1. "How to make your PC faster" by Avatar (
2. "Windows XP secrets / Easter Eggs" by Siang (
Thanks to both of them.
-Pak G-

Monday, February 16, 2009

The PPSMI Issue 1

I'm very sure lately you guys came across the PPSMI (Pengajaran - Pembelajaran Sains & Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris) issue. The latest (yesterday - 15/02/09) was the police report by one NGO - stating that the PPSMI was against "Perlembagaan Malaysia & Akta Pelajaran 1996".
What have you got to say?
Frankly, I think you have every right to say something about it because it involves (directly @ indirectly) you guys. You are the person who experience it - not others (NGOs), so give your response @ feeling through this blog.
-Pak G-
I'll try to write about my feeling later.

To Be Successful

Last Saturday (14/02/09) I attended a talk on parenting skills. One of the presenter is Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Faiz bin Halim, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs), Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Untuk menjadi pelajar yang berjaya, beliau mengemukakan 'tips' (saya rumuskan) seperti berikut:
1. Peluang
Menggunakan semua peluang (dan kemudahan) yang ada di persekitaran (SAHC) sebaik & semaksimum mungkin untuk menjadi pelajar yang berjaya.
2. Motivasi
Sentiasa bermotivasi @ dimotivasikan (termasuk motivasi diri & sikap yang positif) untuk menjadi pelajar yang berjaya.
3. Usaha
Melipatgandakan usaha secara istiqamah untuk menjadi pelajar yang berjaya.
4. Sejarah Pendidikan
Tahu kehendak & keperluan setiap tahap pendidikan (PMR, SPM, STPM/Matrikulasi & University).
Beliau juga memberikan doa harian yang amat berkesan untuk diamalkan - doa tersebut telah dimuatkan di blog Ustaz Saleh (
-Pak G-
If you need further explanations, do please contact me - don't segan-segan la...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Graphic Editor

One of our members posted something on graphic editors in his blog. What do you think about the above graphic image?
-Pak G-

Phone Number

Can everyone post their phone number?
-Hafiz Rohaimi-

The Credits

I managed to check your note books yesterday (13th. February 2009). Overall I'm satisfied - only a few didn't reached the standard I expected.
Anyway, all the credits should be given to these two gentleman: (1) Ahmad Syamil; and (2) Mohammad Firdaus because they have done more than the given task. That is a very good attitude & should be an example to others.
To both of them, congratulation & keep up. Sorry if I over-looked anybody.
-Pak G-

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday

Ustaz Saleh Yusuf (who is also a blogger & one of the Alfa teacher) will be celebrating his birthday on the 19th. February 2009.
Let's us all wish him a very happy birthday.
-Pak G-

The Boycott

I believe you came across a poster about our school's canteen yesterday (11th. February 2009). I just came to know about it only this morning. A teacher showed it to me in the staff room.
What is your opinion?
Why don't you say it out by voting the poll provided in our blog.
-Pak G-

Blog Official Launch

The ALFA 09 - 10 SAHC DOT COM blog is now officially launched. You can begin posting anything and comment each others post. This blog is 100% pure Alfa, and will not be shared by any other classes.
We are not encouraging any of you to insult anybody. If you really want to, it is up to you.
Rules and Regulations Apply...
-Blog Starter-
Please indicate your "name" when posting. Without "name" it will be deleted.

New Blog...

This blog is meant only for the 2009 - 2010 alfa students. It is created to give the members a chance to post anything that they like - knowledge, feeling, experince, etc. (except the insulting words).
-Blog Starter-