Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another Transfer

I just received a sms saying that Cik Wan Meryani (your Form Teacher) will be transferred to Perak (following her husband who was transferred earlier) starting the 1st. June 2009. Let us thank her & wish her the best.
I heard a new teacher is coming.
-Pak G-

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Naik Pangkat

~ Pengetua SMK Gulau ~
Cikgu Turin bin Ahmad (Penolong Kanan) akan bertukar ke SMK Gulau sebagai Pengetua. Tahniah kita ucapkan.
Juga kita berterima kasih di atas jasa & sumbangan beliau yang mula memimpin KSAH sejal tahun 2000. What ever, we will miss him & will always remember him for this popular saying:
Saya dengar saya lupa.
Saya tulis saya ingat.
Saya buat saya faham.
On behalf of 4 Alfa 2009, I wish him all the best.
-Pak G-

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I met only a few of you today. Where are all the others? I didn't see any Chinese. Where are they?
I think most of you didn't reached the school today. On the way to school this morning I think I saw one of your Chinese friend at City Plaza. I saw the St. Michael boys & girls are there too. If what I saw is true, it is very bad. I hope you change.
Do your best in this coming Mid Term Exam. Good Luck.
-Pak G-

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Help Me, Please

~ Scholar, Sportsman, Gentleman ~
There will be an in-house training for us (teachers) this coming Saturday (23/05/09). I was assigned by our principal to give a talk on ICT in teaching-learning process to our teachers.
I asked our principal what he really want me to talk about. He told me that he want me to show the teachers few things including our school web & your blogs. What an honour for you guys. For your information, he has been following your progress in blogging since I introduced your blogs to him. So, please update your blog.
I know you all are quite busy with your mid-year exam, but please find time to update your blog. I'm looking forward for your help.
-Pak G-

Friday, May 15, 2009

Amanat Pidot

buat semua plajar klas alfa,
sila jelaskan baki bayaran baju kelas sbnyak RM18 kt pidot selewat-lewatnya ari slasa ni.
klau x,dikira burn .
apa² tnya pidot , aku smpaikan amanat dy ja .
hrp maklum .

- cekelat -

Selamat Hari Guru

We will be celebrating the Teachers Day on Sunday 17th. May 2009. Let's wish all your teachers "Selamat Hari Guru". It is nice if you guys could see all your teachers on that day & wish them personally. Thanks them for teaching you.
As for me ... this is my GIFT for you guys on the Hari Guru:
Early of the year (if you still remember) I told you that a few of your teachers said that your class is different & the best among all the previous ICT class - even the best among this year Form 4.
But last Tuesday (12th May 2009), those same teachers told me that they would like to take back the words. They told me that recently there were:
1. those who didn't do their homework.
2. those who skipped class for the co curricular activities.
3. those who didn't pay attention during learning.
We don't have to argue on what they said. Starting this Hari Guru, let us all bring back the old (early of the year) Form 4 Alfa. I know you can & if you can, I think that's the greatest GIFT to your teachers for this year Hari Guru.
-Pak G-
1. Saya agak kecewa dengan situasi tersebut.
2. Selamat menduduki peperiksaan pertengahan tahun.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


1. The Phoenicians developed __________ in 1500 BC.
A. internet
B. telephone
C. alphabet writing
D. cuneiform writing

2. Before the invention of computer, several counting machines were invented. In 1823, Charles Babbage invented _______________ .
A. Mark1
B. Weaving Lom
C. Napier’s Bones
D. Mechanical Calculator Machine

All the above are related to the computer invented during the
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation

4. Which of these is an example of slander?
A. Telling your mother via e-mail that your brother has a girlfriend.
B. Forwarding a spam e-mail that says Mc Donald’s Malaysia uses contaminated meat in their burgers.
C. E-mail a letter to the newspaper that a public official accepting bribery and you have proof that it is true.
D. Broadcasting a story that a housing developer has started building houses in a prime “Malay Reserved” land.

5. X is the fastest and most powerful computers. It may weighs over 100 tons. X may refers to
A. Supercomputers
B. Mobile computers
C. Mainframe computers
D. Midrange computers

6. Unknown author Idea can be misunderstood
X is one of the issues in computer ethics. X may be __________.
A. software theft
B. unauthorized use
C. authorized access
D. information accuracy

7. ___________ was one of the first generation computer scientists.
A. Bill Gates
B. Steve Jobs
C. John Napier
D. Presper Eckert

8. When we talk about privacy in computing, we know that _________.
A. We have the right to use our belongings
B. We have the right to protect our property
C. We have the right to hide in secret place
D. We have the right to disclose our personal details

9. Controversial content is dangerous because it causes ________ among people of different religious, social and cultural beliefs.
A. peace
B. dispute
C. harmony
D. high moral

10. The term _________, originally a complimentary word for computer authorisation, now refers to someone who tries to access a computer or network illegally.
A. pirate
B. hacker
C. firewall
D. cracker

11. The right to use software is called
A. copyright
B. product activation
C. license agreement
D. acceptable use policy (AUP)

12. Teachers can benefit from the use of computers in schools because computers:
I. weaken learning
II. can enhance interactive learning
III. can be used as effective teaching aids
IV. can strengthen cognitive development

A. I and III
B. II and III
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV

13. Which of the following was used to store data during the First Generation?
I. Diskets
II. Punched Card
III. Magnetic Tape
IV. Flash Drive

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV

14. Customers benefit from Electronic Banking in terms of:
I. 24 Hour Service
II. Electronic Cash Deposits
III. Electronic Funds Transfer
IV. Electronic Loan Applications

A. I, II and III
B. I, II and IV
C. I, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV

15. Which of the following is the impact of ICT on the society?
I. Sharing
II. Reliability
III. Expensive
IV. Globalization

A. II and IV
B. I, II and III
C. I, II, and IV
D. I, II, III and IV

16. Which of the following statements is related to the impact of ICT on society?
I. Information travels borderless through the Internet.
II. People can receive information faster by using ICT.
III. Using computers frequently and for long hours is harmful to health.
IV. Today the younger generation prefers to sit infront of the computer than socialize with other.
A. I and II
B. II and IV
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV

17. Which of the following statements show the impact of using a company’s computer without authorization?
I. Decreasing the company’s expense.
II. Increasing the company’s expense
III. Improvement in terms of staff personal skill
IV. Creating an unhealthy relationship between employer and worker.

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

18. The diagram below shows the evolution of communication.

I Pigeon
III Cordless Phone
V Mobile Phone

X : __________________________________
Y : __________________________________
Z : __________________________________

19. Write TRUE or FALSE for the following statements.
i. In 3500 BC, the Sumerians developed alphabet writing.
ii. The first internet known as ARPANET was introduced in 1969.
iii. Tsui Lin invented Chinese Abacus in 105 BC.
iv. ICT comprises three major elements which are computer, networking and internet.
v. We need information to make decisions and to predict the future.
vi. Information is knowledge and helps us tol fulfil our daily task.
vii. Vacuum tubes was invented to replace the transistors during the Second Generation Computer.

i. The knowledge obtained through reading, investigation, study or research.
The above statement refers to _____________.

ii. An act of transmitting messages between individuals using verbal interaction, symbols or signs. It is important to gain knowledge.

The above statement refers to ______________.

iii. Unique and original works such as ideas, inventions, writing and art of an individual.

The above statement refers to _____________.
1. Define Information and Communication Technology
2. Identify and explain two differences between computer ethics and law.
3. Explain the concept of privacy in computer usage and list ways to protect privacy in computing.

Friday, May 1, 2009

So Sorry

~ Mina : 2006 ~
I felt very guilty reading a comment in our blog & a post from one of your friend's blog. I felt guilty not because I didn't attend your class but MORE because of making your spirit down. Honestly, I'm not going anywhere. The 4 Alfa is still my class.
It is just that it has been more than a month I'm very busy with the task (very tough) given to me by our management (pengetua & pk). The task was to lead a group of teacher to prepare our school's documentations & presentations for the cluster school.
With the burdens put on me, I have no choice. I got to skip your class due to a lot to be done in within the limited time given. You all are very lucky as Cikgu Rozi (a very good ICT teacher) is around to attend your class. We (me too) should thanks her.
For your information, I have been going home late & less sleep (affected my health). Even it happened that one of the day I went home at 5.30am - just before my subuh prayer. I'm not just ignoring you guys but also my family. Even this coming weekends, I got to be in school - no holidays for me.
In conclusion, so sorry & please forgive me. I'll be back - that's my promise. For the time being, maintain your high spirit. It will make you successful.
-Pak G-
Saya hanya berkesempatan untuk memakai ihram pada usia menghampiri 50 tahun. Bertuahlah anda yang berkesempatan memakainya (walaupun sekadar untuk latihan amali) pada usia belasan tahun. Semoga mendapat barakah.