Saturday, August 22, 2009


Asalamualaikum all 4 ALFA student and salam sejahtera dan perpaduan to non muslim student...
i am one of 4 alfa student...
i want to inform you what i was thinking...
i want to discuss with you all...

i want to ask permission from PAK G to make a 'rombongan' to anywhere in Malaysia (because we dont have enough money to LONDON)...

we can go to Cameron Highland if you all want because i know a little bit best place over there...
we can eat a fresh plucking strawbery and many more fresh...

My father have a friend over there that can give us apartment for rent at very low price...
one apartment have 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 kitchen, and the most improtant is, it have 'astro' and beautiful environment...

We can stay there about 3 days and 2 night...

i hope my post will get attention...
thank you...

Pidot (4 ALFA)...

Friday, August 7, 2009

One Kolej

Semasa memberi ucapan pada Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang (MAC) 2009 yang lalu, pengetua ada menyebut "1 Kolej - One for all. All for one."
Beberapa hari lalu, pengetua bercakap dengan saya tentang kemungkinan mengadakan logo "1 Kolej" (macam logo 1 Malaysia) yang akan digunakan secara rasmi. Beliau membuat keputusan bahawa satu pertandingan mencipta perlu diadakan & hadiah akan diberikan kepada pencipta yang logonya terpilih.
Berikut adalah beberapa panduan mengenai pertandingan tersebut:
1. Logo mesti mengandungi tema yang diperkatakan oleh pengetua semasa MAC 2009.
2. Dihantar kepada Pak G dalam bentuk soft copy & hard copy (cetakan pada kertas A4).
1. Details of the competition will be publish in school's web.
2. I hope you guys will particape in the competiton. Show that 4 Alfa is the best. Good Luck.
-Pak G-


Our pengetua sent me a sms stated:
On August 7th. 2009 at 12hr 34mins 56sec this year, the time and the date will be:
123456789 (12:34.56 07/08/09)
This will never happen in ur life again!
All the best!
-Pak G-

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cancellation of ICT Class

This week (3rd. - 5th. August 2009) ICT classes are cancelled because Cikgu Rozi & me are attending ICT course at our school lab.
Since there is no class, please complete your computer system note. Your note book will be collected next week.
Thank you guys.
-Pak G-