Saturday, August 22, 2009


Asalamualaikum all 4 ALFA student and salam sejahtera dan perpaduan to non muslim student...
i am one of 4 alfa student...
i want to inform you what i was thinking...
i want to discuss with you all...

i want to ask permission from PAK G to make a 'rombongan' to anywhere in Malaysia (because we dont have enough money to LONDON)...

we can go to Cameron Highland if you all want because i know a little bit best place over there...
we can eat a fresh plucking strawbery and many more fresh...

My father have a friend over there that can give us apartment for rent at very low price...
one apartment have 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 kitchen, and the most improtant is, it have 'astro' and beautiful environment...

We can stay there about 3 days and 2 night...

i hope my post will get attention...
thank you...

Pidot (4 ALFA)...


  1. orait....

    aku sokong 100% cadangan ni

  2. apa kene mengena ameron highland ngan ict
    waakakakaka .lol.
    just kiding

  3. Cadangan yang baik. Untuk memastikan ianya berjaya, kena tubuh jkuasa.
    -Pak G-

  4. yes pak g
    kita bagi pidot jadi jkuasa yang terhormat
    kalau boleh kita guna bas klj

  5. sokong­....bez­­�.tp agak2 bila?

  6. Tq semua kerana support. Details akan kita selesaikan selepas cuti nanti.
    -Pak G-

  7. Wah...I just noticed this blog existence. I was once a 4 Alfa student. Previously, we didn't have this kind of thing - I mean the blog. By the way, all the best to all of you in going for the "rombongan". Nice proposition.

    Salam, Ace, 4 Alfa (2004).

  8. kita kena mula tubuhkan satu fund atau dana untuk menjayakan program ni...

  9. aku harap ampa support aku..
    kalu nak dok hotel pon ok gak...
    lepas cuti kita bincnag..
    the best time to go is after the end of year exam...

    aku harap ramai support aku...
    i try to manage...

    p/s: sapa ada gitar bawak taw!! aku bawak amp.. kita jamming kat sana!!! hahaha~ Drum pakai tong sampah...

  10. 1. Tq Chagall
    2. Harap tok net dapat bagi penjelasan tentang "p lautan pasifik". Jangan main-main.
    -Pak G-

  11. nak melawak pun pi balik rumah la kalau nak melawak

  12. bila nk p?
    nnti kalau kita suma buat meeting ka apa ka bleh x?
    mungkin senang sket suma org nk tau detail rombongan nih...

  13. . lol .
    trip kta nie klaw bdak kls len or bdak skola len nk join , agak² approve x prmintaan dpa ?

  14. lepas cuti raya, kita bincang.
    selamat ari raye ...
    -Pak G-
