Monday, October 25, 2010

- ICT Xpress Note ! -

Hye guys Alfarian 0910 ,
This is Xpress Note for ICT .
please click on the link below to download it.

Download link for ICT Xpress Note version 3.1 .

Make sure u guys have Scribd acc before download it.
Teacher said download and read it asap!
All the best.
Hope our mission in Alfa Perfect Succession will be achieve soon.
Last but not least,
Best luck in our spm !

Uploaded by : [Firdaus Ahmad]

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Buat semua guru-guru dan rakan-rakan taulan

Thursday, August 19, 2010

ucapan khas buat guru-guru yang mengajar kami ,

kami minta maaf atas kenakalan serta ketidaksempurnaan kami sebagai pelajar .
kami harapkan cikgu doakan yang terbaik buat kami untuk SPM nanti .
sekali lagi , kami minta maaf .

- 5 ALFA -

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Date of pic : 15 Aug 2010
Missing in Pic : Syamil izzuddin, Azmul Munir, Amir Fisol and Aizuddin.

-Remain Unknown-

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mobile Computing !

1. Introduction

(Computer Networks and Communication)

2. Mobile Computing

2.1 Definition

Mobile Computing refers to ……

2.2 Specification, Services and Frequencies of Mobile Computing

(based on one product e.g. PDA, 3G mobile phone)

3. Internet Technology and Services

3.1 VoIP

Xxxxxx xxxx x

3.2 BLOG


4. Types of Network

4.1 PAN

Xxxxxx xxxx x

4.2 VPAN

Xxxxx xxxxxxxx

4.3 WLAN

Xxxxxx xxxx x


Xxxxx xxxxxxxx

5. Conclusion

(Computer Networks and Communication)


(give at least two sources of reference)

For Book:

Ahmad Fauzi bin Mohamed. Computers in Education. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publication, 1986.

For http:

Orr, Linda V. (2002.). Computer in Education. Retrieved from University of Southern Maine Web site: lindap~1.htm

Open Source

Berikut ialh format penulisan esei Open Source

1. Introduction
(meaning of open source software, hardware, etc)

2. The Latest Open Source Operating Syatem (OS)

2.1 Meaning of Open Source OS

2.2 Examples of Open Source OS
(explain two examples)

3. The Latest Open Source Application Software

3.1 Meaning of Open Source Application Software
Xxxxxx xxxx x

3.2 Examples of Open Source Application Software
explain two examples)

4. The Latest Development in ICT

4.1 Hardware
(state specification OR special features of ONE hardware and compare it to previous model(s))

4.2 Software
(state year/date of release, special features of ONE software and compare it to previous version(s)).

5. Pervasive Computing

5.1 Meaning of Pervasive Computing

5.2. Examples of Pervasive Computing
(explain two examples)

6. Conclusion

(give at least two sources of reference)
For Book:
Ahmad Fauzi bin Mohamed. Computers in Education. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publication, 1986.

For http:
Orr, Linda V. (2002.). Computer in Education. Retrieved from University of Southern Maine Web site: lindap~1.htm
Tarikh Penghantaran : 5 July 2010
Boleh hantar dalam bentuk softcopy atau dah siap print ... copy paste dibenarkan sama sekali.

Monday, June 28, 2010

How to highlight for maximum retention and results

Do you use a highlighter when you speed read? Have you ever highlighted so much 'important' stuff that you end up highlighting more of the page than not? Have you ever wondered 'how do I know what is worth highlighting and what's not'?
I've done the same, myself. In fact, I used to highlight a lot of what I read on the page - not being sure what was really important and what was just important. Until one delay realised that I was wasting my time and not really remembering much of what I highlighted anyway.
On top of that, the stuff that I did highlight was often not even in the test! The reason for this is because the FIRST time you read and highlight anything, it's hard for you to know what's important and what's not. Plus, you end up reading slower and you highlight more often. And that's if you read normally! When you speed read AND highlight, chances are that your reading speed will be slower than your usual speed and you will highlight two or three times more. Which means you'll waste a lot of time reviewing and highlighting.
Because I know this, I advise students who learn to do speed reading to NOT highlight while speed reading something for the first time. And here's why... When you read anything for the first time, it's only when you finish the chapter that its meaning becomes obvious to you. You then understand what the important bits are that you will need to remember (and highlight) and you will be able to recognise these points in the text. More than likely, also, these important bits may have been different than what you would have highlighted when you started reading.
Now, I'll tell you what works best for me and for thousands of other students. These strategies I teach take time to implement, and the key is to TRUST them as you apply them.
  • When CHOOSING to highlight something, you need to trust your instincts - to highlight LESS than you THINK you should...
  • Highlight ONLY those items you feel you're not going to remember automatically. Yes, I know this takes judgment on your part.
  • You have to trust yourself. Start with MORE highlights & REDUCE them as you get better at CHOOSING what to highlight.
  • You'll soon know what you MUST highlight versus what you WANT to highlight. These are not often the same thing.
  • You can TEST what I suggest - sometimes highlight WHILE you are speed reading and then AFTER... You determine what works best for you.
  • IF you are the EXCEPTION, that's OK - DO what works for you, but DO IT because it works, not because you THINK it works.
  • To KNOW IT WORKS, you have to track your time and comprehension BOTH ways, otherwise it's a value judgment and chances are you will be biased and wrong in your self-assessment.
posted by:
pak g

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Read Before You Go To Class

Reading the course material before you go to class is a simple way to absorb, understand and remember the material with much less time and effort OVERALL than you otherwise would. Most people go to class and are hearing the content for the first time. They may not be familiar with some keywords or technical terms. They spend most of the time getting their head around all this new material as they struggle to put it into a logical order or "framework".
Once that framework is in place, they begin to actually UNDERSTAND the material being taught. When the class is over, this process is often incomplete. So how can they begin to study or reinforce what they never understood in the first place! They can't -- it takes MUCH more time to revise partially - understood material, resulting in poorer study efficiency and results.
Consider the alternative: When you briefly read the course material prior to your class, you start to become familiar with the concepts. You come across newwords and terminology. You look at a few sample questions. You might even make a couple of notes of questions to ask. Then when you get into class, everything seems familiar. You're hearing everything for the second time and you begin to remember and reinforce key points. Then you leave the class with a pretty good understanding of the topic. It takes much less time to revise and review information, and you have plenty of time to read ahead of the next class!
Try it. Read ahead before going to class and see how much EASIER everything becomes.
Posted by: Pak G
This writing was mailed by: Dr Marc Dussault

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Getting The Best Grades

Pak G found an url ( on tips how to get good grades with the least effort last April. Pak G gave our class e-mail so that Dr Marc Dussault can e-mail the tips. A number of e-mail came into our in-box. On of them is as follow (I made some editing):
The first strategy on Getting The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort is "How NOT to Focus Your Energies on Important AND Urgent Tasks."
Have you ever found that you actually get the most work done when you have the least time to do it? Do you find yourself NOT completing the work you're supposed to do, when you have ample time to get it done? But then when you're given short sharp bursts of urgent timelines, you excel above and beyond what you ever expected? If you can identify with any of these situations, you'll definitelyVbenefit from managing your tasks using the "Urgent/Important" model.
There are four kinds of tasks: (1) Not Important and Not Urgent; (2) Not Important and Urgent (3) Important and Not Urgent; (4) Urgent and Important. If you spend time on the WRONG type of task at the WRONG time, all you'll do is escalate your stress and reduce your results. On the other hand, if you learn how to deal with each category of task, you'll get better results across the board while also making the urgency "work for you".
Here are a few scenarios so you can see for yourself how to treat different types of tasks to MAXIMIZE your results.
1. "Not Important and Not Urgent"
Example: You have a book report to hand in at the end of the semester. It'll take you 10 to 12 hours to read the book and 4 to 5 hours to write the report. You have 3 months and it's worth 10% of your final grade. You should get started as soon as possible so it doesn't become urgent and create unnecessary stress.
2. "Not Important But Urgent"
Example: You have a quiz tomorrow but you haven't reviewed anything. It's worth 5% but you need every mark you can get. You should have done this in-between other things when you had thetime. Now you will feel stress and anxiety that could have easily been avoided... "Cramming" becomes the only option, and it has been proven that cramming is far more STRESSFUL and far less EFFECTIVE than the strategies I reveal in:
3. "Important But Not Urgent"
Example: You have a project that is worth 35% of your final mark. It's due in a month and you estimate it will take you 20-25 hoursto complete. Once agains, what you want to do is avoid rushing and trying tocomplete the project at the last minute. You want to scale down thetasks into smaller bite-size chunks to make it easier to getstarted as soon as possible.
4. "Important and Urgent"
Example: You have a final exam in two days, it's worth 70% of yourfinal grade. You haven't put in enough time - so much new material to cover you just don't know where to start. Panic starts to set in. This is *not* where you want to be spending your time. You want tospend as much time as possible on the *important but not urgent*issues. Of course, this takes planning and preparation (plus better strategies for getting the best results with the least amount of effort).
Posted by:
Pak G

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

terima kasih cikgu

saya mewakili seluruh kelas 5 alfa dan bekas pelajar 5 alfa ingin meminta ampun dan maaf kepada semua guru yang mengajar dan pernah mengajar kelas kami .
maafkan kami jika terdapat sebarang perbuatan kami yang menyinggung hati cikgu .
harap cikgu halalkan segala ilmu yang cikgu sampaikan kepada kami .
doakan yang terbaik untuk mid-year test , trial dan SPM kami nanti .
sekali lagi , TERIMA KASIH CIKGU !

yours truly ,

Monday, April 5, 2010

Road To Success...

Stand up my friend...
We must show that 5 ALFA can do it...
SPM just around the corner...
I know our result in February is bad.
But we must stand up and show that we can do it
in april and so on...
We must change our attitude..
We have responsibility...
Then, dont dissapointed your parent..
They spent a lot of money for you..
Please guys... IF you guys can do it,
I can do it...
Easy to success,
Just do your homework and study or read the book
for just 1 hour if you are too lazy or short of time...

For the teachers, please forgive us the 5 ALFA...
Please pray for us...


This subject, we can do it...
Try our best....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thank You

Pak G nak ucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kepada beberapa orang rakan kita dari geng ict (alfarian) yang telah membantu KSAH mengendalikan siaran langsung (CCTV) semasa Kejohanan Olahraga Tahunan Ke-85 yang diadakan kelmarin (11/03/10). Frankly, as a beginner, Pak G berpuas hati dengan kebolehan & komitmen anda menjalankan tugas.
I hope you guys learn something from that activity. I will also like to wish a happy school holidays to you guys. Cuti ... cuti juga, belajar mesti diteruskan (dilipat gandakan usaha) as your SPM exam is getting nearer.
1. Do you still want to involve in CCTV during our Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang?
2. For those who will be going for holidays, please take care & don't ever forget to bring back some gift.
-Pak G-

Thursday, February 11, 2010

bahang semakin terasa

BUSY gila kita ni semenjak-dua menjak ni....
subjects makin pening

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Language Course

Hi Guys,
Terdapat satu komen (daripada Harun) yang masuk dalam blog kita. It is from Mr Harun (Pak G pun tak kenal this guy). Anyway, personally Pak G felt that it was the best comment. Mr. Harun wrote (no editing made - original):
I just looking a way for informing my dear student brothers and sister about the new language course in the national library of alor star behind of city plaza. the courses will be hold on friday 1 hour and saturday 1.5 hours inshaallah. it will be for 2 month inshaallah for free, but you have to register yourself first in the library before 12.02.2010
- Pak G -
1. Thank you very much Mr. Harun for the info ...
2. Pak G berpendapat yang peluang sebegini harus kita rebut ... what say you guys.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Recovering Deleted File

Disebabkan kelalaian, Pak G ter'delete' (kemudiannya: empty recycle bin) satu folder yang mengandungi bahan-bahan yang penting pada petang tadi. Pak G terus mencari software, muat turun & mencuba beberapa software, Terbaik (mudah, cepat & 100% freeware) bagi Pak G ialah "EASEUS Deleted File Recovery 2.1.1". Fail yang ter'delete', Pak G dapat kembali 100%.
Anda boleh cuba jika mengalami masalah yang serupa. Cuma Pak G perlu ingatkan bahawa jika anda mengalami masalah yang serupa, jangan save sebarang fail sebelum anda recover.
-Pak G-

Friday, January 8, 2010

Today is a new day with a new experiance...

while i beratur nak beli nasi...
i heard an anouncement...

'Semua pelajar kolej 4 dan kolej 5 dikehendaki bergerak ke dewan selepas waktu rehat'...

Then, i go...
but, after i finish my nasi double ayam larh..

i learned s0o0o much from the 'pemberi ceramah' from UUM...

>API = Semarakan
A - Akhlak
P- Patriotisme
I- Intelligence (kot)

>Then i learned there is 4 things yang meruntuhkan sesebuah tamadun....
A- Arrogance
I- Ignorance
D- Decadence
S- Stupidity

>Then, today i know what John F. Kenedy had said:
--- Never ask what your country can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for your country...

- i think because when we do something for our country, we will get something from our country..
(gelaran dato' ka...hahaha)

>Then, hormatilah org tua...
that is the important one because when we dah pandai,
we must l0ok down and respect the others...
pandai but dont have the quality...
the human is not perfect...
the quality is simple...
respect the parents, teachers and friends...
and... never tinggalkn solat...

From Saidina Ali :
orang yg tidak berilmu dan tidak beharta adalah sampah...
orang yg berilmu tetapi tidak berharta adalah hamba...
orang yg tidak berilmu tetapi berharta adalah alat...
orang yg berilmu dan berharta adalah tuan...

Remember my fren...
SPM is our mission...

-Pidot -
5 ALFA 2010