Friday, January 8, 2010

Today is a new day with a new experiance...

while i beratur nak beli nasi...
i heard an anouncement...

'Semua pelajar kolej 4 dan kolej 5 dikehendaki bergerak ke dewan selepas waktu rehat'...

Then, i go...
but, after i finish my nasi double ayam larh..

i learned s0o0o much from the 'pemberi ceramah' from UUM...

>API = Semarakan
A - Akhlak
P- Patriotisme
I- Intelligence (kot)

>Then i learned there is 4 things yang meruntuhkan sesebuah tamadun....
A- Arrogance
I- Ignorance
D- Decadence
S- Stupidity

>Then, today i know what John F. Kenedy had said:
--- Never ask what your country can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for your country...

- i think because when we do something for our country, we will get something from our country..
(gelaran dato' ka...hahaha)

>Then, hormatilah org tua...
that is the important one because when we dah pandai,
we must l0ok down and respect the others...
pandai but dont have the quality...
the human is not perfect...
the quality is simple...
respect the parents, teachers and friends...
and... never tinggalkn solat...

From Saidina Ali :
orang yg tidak berilmu dan tidak beharta adalah sampah...
orang yg berilmu tetapi tidak berharta adalah hamba...
orang yg tidak berilmu tetapi berharta adalah alat...
orang yg berilmu dan berharta adalah tuan...

Remember my fren...
SPM is our mission...

-Pidot -
5 ALFA 2010

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