Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4 ALFA Di Ambang Haji... (31 March 2009)

-------------------------Haji Shukri bersama kain ihramnya...

------------------------ Model-model pakaian haji... Nasib baik ada cahaya kat blakang tuh...
kalau dak, Black ngan pidot mesti hilang... nampak kain ja¬...

------------------------------ Para haji ready to run!!! Semua pakat posing maut...

------------------------- Haji Pidot ngan Kaabah tiruan (cetak rompak)...
Pidot ada saiz kain ihram..

Post by: Mohammad Firdaus Bin Ahmad (kantoi handphone ngan ustaz)

Monday, April 27, 2009

A forum,for us :)

Our friend,Afiq(Krezimolez) has made a forum for our class.
For the time being,Afiq and I will be monitoring the forum.
Please support our effort of making our class,the real ICT class :)
Register for the forum here.

- cekelat -

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

From The Bottom Of My Heart

Wishing you guys good luck on your Ujian Selaras April 2009. I know that you can get A if you really want to.
-Pak G-

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm Quite Sure

This is my 9th. year teaching ICT in KSAH. I have seen a lot of ICT students. I don't know why, but honestly I feel that you all guys (Alfa 2009 - 2010) are very close to our motto: "scholar, sportsman, gentleman".
I'm quite sure of what I said especially looking at the effort made by cekelat & support given by you all. I pray you will achieve it & I know that you guys won't let me down.
Since you are almost there all you need to be really there is a little improvement in life. Just be serious in study starting now & behave well. I;m very confident with you guys.
-Pak G-

Monday, April 13, 2009

Thank You

Kelab karate akhirnya akan dpt ditubuhkan kt kolej.
[ terharu :) ]
thanx kpd smua yg support usaha saya..
akhirnya dpt gak cari 25 org ahli..
terima kasih kpd semua yg mmbantu secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung.
InsyaAllah saya akan berusaha untuk memajukan kelab ini.

- Muzakkir -

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ujian Selaras April 2009

I have just finished preparing your Ujian Selaras April 2009. I decided the questions are based not only on the given notes but also based on the notes in our school web (portal) at this URL
Briefly, below are some tips of what you will be expected.
1. There are two sections (Section A & B). Section A consists of 30 multiple choice questions & Section B consists of three structured questions.
2. You must answer all the questions
3. Your answer must be written in the question paper - no extra paper needed.
1. Tahniah to our friend (Muzakir) for his efforts made succesfully collected more than 20 members to join the karate club. That's the spirit. I tabik u.
2. Thanks to others who supported Muzakir's efforts. Welcome to the karate club.
3. Puan Roszilawati will attend the ICT class tomorrow.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Usaha & Doa

~ Sembahyanglah sebelum kita di sembahyangkan ~
One of our Alfa member wrote about 'usaha' & 'doa' in web messages. I have a story about my experience on 'usaha' & 'doa'. I'll be writing about it my blog.
-Pak G-

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 : The Location of the CPU, Expansion Slots, Expansion Cards, RAM Slots, Ports & Connectors

Motherboard is the main circuit board which has some electronic components attached to it and others built into it. CPU, expansion slots, expansion cards, RAM slots, ports and connectors are the components on the motherboard. : The Output Devices Used for Text, Graphic, Audio & Video

Monitor is an output device that can be used to display text. It can also display graphics and video. It iaccepts video signals from a computer and displays information on its screen.
Printer is an output device that can be used to print text, apart from graphics, on mediums such as paper, transparency film or even cloths. A photo printer is a colour printer that produces photo-lab-quality pictures.
Speaker is an audio output device that generates sound. The headphone is a pair of small speakers placed over the ears and plugged into a port on the sound card. A woofer or subwoofer is used to boost the low bass sound and is connected to the port on the sound card.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector projects what is displayed on the computer on a wall or projection screen.
Digital Light Processing (DLP) projector uses tiny mirrors to reflect light which can be seen clearly in a well-lit room. : The Input Devices used for Text, Graphic, Audio & Video.

Input Devices For Texts:
Keyboard, virtual keyboard (on the screen) & an optical reader (uses a light source to read characters, marks and codes and then converts them into digital data that a computer can process.
Input Devices For Graphics:
Scanner is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages and similar sources for computer editing and display.
Digital camera allows you to take pictures and store the photographed images digitally.
Input Devices For Audio:
Audio input devices are such microphone and digital musical instruments like the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) keyboard.
Input Devices For Video:
Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) video camera is a type of digital video camera that enables a home or small business user to capture video and still images.
A webcam is any video camera that displays its output on a web page.
A digital video camera allows you to record full motion and store the captured motion digitally.
Pointing Devices:
A pointing device is another form of input device. Pointing devices such as a mouse, trackball, graphics tablet and touch screen are used to input spatial data into the computer. (Spatial data refers to data that is continuous and multi-dimensional). : The Units of Clock Speed Measurement

Hertz & Seconds:
A hertz is one cycle per second.
Megahertz (MHz):
Megahertz (MHz) equals to one million cycles of the system clock.
(Mega is a prefix that stands for million. A computer that operates at 933 MHz has 933 million clock cycles in one second.)
Gigahertz (GHz):
Gigahertz (GHz) equals to one billion cycles of the system clock. In relation with megahertz, 1.0GHz is equivalent to 1000 MHz.
Giga is a prefix that stands for billion. GHz is most often used as a measurement of a PC processor chip and power, with bigger numbers meaning more speed and higher price. A microprocessor that runs at 200 GHz executes 200 billion cycles per second. For a 2.4 GHz machine, its clock rate is 2.4 billion cycles per second. : The Units of Data Measurement

A bit is represented by the numbers 1 and 0. They correspond to the states of on and off, true and false, or yes and no.
1 byte = 8 bit
Kilobyte (KB)
1 KB = 1024 bytes or 1 KB = 210 bytes
Megabyte (MB)
1 MB = 1 048 576 bytes or 1 MB = 220 bytes
Gigabyte (GB)
1 GB = 1 073 741 824 bytes 1 GB = 230 bytes
Terabyte (TB)
1 TB = 1 099 511 627 776 bytes or 1 TB = 240 bytes

1 KB = 1 024 byte
1 MB = 1 024 KB = 1 048 576 byte
1 GB = 1 024 MB = 1 048 576 KB = 1 073 741 824 byte
1 TB = 1 024 GB = 1 048 576 MB = 1 073 741 824 KB = 1 099 511 627 776 byte : The Function of ASCII Code

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) was established to:
  1. achieve compatibility between various types of data processing equipment making it possible for the components to communicate with each other successfully.
  2. enables manufacturers to produce components that are assured to operate correctly in a computer.
  3. make it possible for humans to interact with a computer. It also enables users to purchase components that are compatible with their computer configurations. : The Relationship of Data Representation: bit, byte & character

A bit is the smallest unit of data that the computer can process. Bit is a short for binary digit. A bit is represented by the numbers 1 and 0. These numbers represent the binary system. They correspond to the states of on & off or true & false, or yes & no. All digital data use the binary system to process the information. This information include letters, digits or special character.
Byte is a unit of information built from bits. One byte is equals to 8 bits. Eight bits that are grouped together as a unit. A byte provides enough different combinations of 0s and 1s to represent 256 individual characters. One byte represents a single character such as the number 3, letter b or a $ symbol. Bits and bytes are the basis for representing all meaningful information and programs on computers.
A byte represents a single character in the computer. One character such as A, 7, 9 and + is eight bits that are grouped together. For example, the capital letter F is represented by the binary code 01000110 that can be understood by the computer system. Eight bits grouped together as a unit are called a byte. : Information Processing Cycle

~ Information Processing Cycle ~
Users input data or instruction to be process. Input could be either text, graphic, audio or video. Input devices are used to input data & they are any electronic device connected to a computer and produces input signals.
Data or instruction being input is then processed by the CPU which controls all activities within the system. The processed data are then sent to an output device as usable data.
A CPU interprets the and carries out the instructions by processing data and controlling the rest of the computer’s components.
A CPU consists of the Control Unit (CU) & the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). CU’s main function is to direct the CPU to process data by extracting instructions from memory, decodes & then executes them. The CU manages a four-step basic operation which is called a machine cycle. The steps are Fetching, Decoding, Executing & Storing.
Computer storage stores programs and data to be used at a later time. It also keeps current data while being processed until the information is saved in a storage media (hard disk or diskette). Computer storage also stores instructions from a computer program. There are two type of computer storage; primary storage and secondary storage.
Primary storage is known as the main memory of a computer, including RAM (Random-Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory). It is an internal memory (inside the CPU) that can be accessed directly by the processor.
Secondary storage is an external storage that refers to various ways a computer can store program and data. Many complex functions, such as translators for high-level languages and operating systems are placed in primary storage. Secondary storage is an alternative storage. It is very useful to store programs and data for future use.
Output is the result of data processing activity when it is presented external to the system. The output from a computer can be in a form for use for example printed or displayed. There are four types of output, which are texts, graphics, audio and video. : Meaning of Input, Process, Output & Storage

Input is any data or instructions that we enter into the computer system for processing. There are four types of input: which are text, graphic, audio & video. Example of input devices are keyboard, light pen, joystick, microphone, mouse, video & digital camera.
The processing unit controls all activities within the system. The CPU is an example of a processor. It has the same important as the brain to human being.
Storage is a location which data, instruction and information are held for future use. It is the physical material that keeps keeps data, instruction and information. There are two types of storage. They are the primary storage and secondary storage. The example of storage devices are hardisk, Floppy Disk, diskette, RAM, CD ROM and DVD ROM.
Output is data that has been processed into a useful form, called information. There are four types of output, which are texts, graphics, audio and video. Example of output devices are monitor, printer, speaker and plotter.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Need Some Help...

aku plan nk tubuhkan Kelab Karate-do untuk KSAH..
S0,hrp smua dpt bg sokongan..
support cket²..
btw,tgh cari ahli baru ngan guru penasihat nt0k kelab nie..
sbb ari 2 pk ko-k ckp,klau nk buka kelab baru kna cari ahli rmai² dlu..
bru bley buka..

p/s : kalau Pak G bley join,sure kelab nie aktif sntiasa..huhu

- Muzakkir -

Class T-Shirt

I'm sorry because the design is not finish yet...
for your information,
Me and Syamil already sent the design to Bizandry...

After the design is finish,
The designer will call me...
And i will publish the design in this blog and to our class...
I hope you all be patient and wait for the design...

-Firdaus a.k.a Pidot-
p/s: RM10 for DEPOSIT : Defination of Computer Systems

A computer system is defined as combination of components designed to process data & store files. A computer system consists of four major hardware components; input devices, output devices, processor and storage devices. A computer system requires hardware, software and a user to fully function.
-Pak G- : Cooperation in Conducting Study

Cooperation in conducting study can be display through delegation of works among team members. Delegation is the ability to assign tasks to others with the authority, responsibility and accountability to finish the tasks. It is not enough to just give out orders but as a team leader you also need to give specific instructions on what to do. Tell your team members that they are responsible for the task given to them and explain to them what would happen to the project if they failed to finish the task.
-Pak G- : Presenting Results

Results should be presented in a clear, concise manner. A good presentation should contain three well-defined sections, they are:
1. Introduction:
  • is at the beginning of the research
  • includes the objectives of the research
  • provides a clear statement on why the study was undertaken
  • includes the limitations/assumptions and analytical techniques

2. Content:

  • consists of facts or arguments related to subject matter
  • can be presented in an argument format or just as an overview

3. Conclusion

  • is a review of content (not repetition of content)
  • relates to the statement of objectives in the introduction
  • should not introduce new issues
  • should contain judgment or decision that has been reached

-Pak G- : The Impact of ICT on Society

The computer has change the society. People interacts directly with computer in various field to help them to do their work faster and more efficient.
Home & Education:
Computers are used in schools, colleges and universities to promote better education. Students use software packages to complete their assignments. Educators use the computer-based training and web-based training as replacements for lecture presentation.
Computers for Higher Education:
Open Distance Learning or online learning can be implemented as the main medium of delivering from one location to the other locations. This type of learning consists of online forum, discussion, quizzes, test questions and many more. The example is the Open University of Malaysia.
People use finance or accounting software to balance check books, pay bills, track personal income and expenses, manage investments and evaluate their financial plans. Accounting software helps companies to record and report their financial transactions.
Computers in Banking:
Financial institutions offer online banking. People can access their financial records from anywhere. Most of the packages offer a variety of online services which requires access to the web. For example we can track our investment online, compare insurance rates and do online banking.
By using the CAM system, computers record actual labour, material, machine and computer time used to manufacture a particular product. Computers process this data and automatically update inventory, production, payroll and accounting records on the company’s network. Examples of companies using this system are Proton and Perodua.
Graphics & Multimedia:
Computers are crucial in the process of making works available to the public. These works include magazines, books, newspapers, music and film production. Special software applications are used to assist graphic designers to develop graphics, texts, photographs and composing songs.
Government provides society with direction by making and administering policies. Most government offices or agencies have websites to provide citizens with the latest information. Examples of software applications used for communication include e-mail, web browsers, newsgroups, instant messaging and video conferencing. We can access government websites to:
1. check information on taxes (
2. pay parking tickets and check summons (
3. register online for IPTA/IPTS application (
Computers in Tourism:
People will go online to get all related information about traveling. They can visit websites to get information on destinations, prices, hotels, flights, rentals, purchase ticket online, all payments can be made by using credit card.
Computers in the Healthcare:
In the medical field, computers are very important in running the operations. Medical staffs use computers for various purposes, namely:
1. maintaining patient records
2. monitoring patients’ vital sign
3. assisting doctors, nurses and technicians with medical tests by using computer and computerised devices .
4. using medical software to help with researching and diagnosing health conditions.
5. computers and the internet are important sources to get all information on medical, nutrition, fitness and other health tips.
6. The latest development is telemedicine which helps professional to conduct live conference in separate locations.
Computers are used in all fields from biology to astronomy to meteorology and others. Things that can be done by computers, namely:
1. collecting, analyzing and modelling data
2. serving as medium of communication with colleagues around the world
3. contributing to new inventions or breakthrough in surgery, medicine and treatment
4. imitating functions of the central nervous system, retina of the eye and others by tiny computers
5. allowing a deaf person to listen through cochlear implant
- Pak G- : Locating Information From Various Sources

Informations are available offline and online. We can search for the information that we want in books, journals, articles or other resource materials found in the library and the Internet. A list of all the books, journals and electronic materials are available from the library. We can use the online databases to find the most useful materials.
Anyway, any materials need to be evaluated in four aspects. They are relevance, reliability/credibility, perspective & update.
-Pak G- : Applying the Correct Security Procedures

Data Protection:
We need to protect the data as it may somehow get lost or corrupted due to some viruses or mishap like fire, flood, lightning, machine failures and even human errors. Ways to protect the information:
• make backup files
• detect the virus and clean the computer
• warn others on virus attacks
Detecting Illegal Access To Systems:
The computer system detects any illegal access to the system. Tcpwrappers and tripwire are often used to detect any illegal access. User's access will be reviewed periodically (internal audits) by computer operations. It is to ensure detection of violations of security and unauthorised modifications to software and data .
Control access at the application level, rather than at the socket level like iptables and ipchains. The system will run tcpwrappers to log access to ftp, tftp, rch, rlogin, rexec and telnet.
Detect and report on any changes in the thousands of strategic system files. The system will run tripwire to determine if system files have changed.
Preventing Illegal Access To Systems:
Computer systems would not allow any unauthorised users to simply access the system. Ways:
· Run anlpassword to make password cracking difficult.
· Run tcpwrappers to check if the name for an ip address can be provided by DNC
· Use a callback system to prevent unauthorised use of stolen passwords.
Preventing Illegal Root Acces:
To prevent we should have Sudo (Superuser do) so that people can perform on some machine without getting access to the entire root if that is not required. With Sudo we did not have to give out the root password.
Sudo is a program in Unix, Linux and similar operating systems such as Mac OS X that allows users to run programs in the form of another user. Sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified in the sudoers file.
Patch supplies small updates to software, provided that the source code is available. It is a UNIX utility. It applies a script generated by the different program to a set of files that allows changes from one file to be directly applied to another file. Resources are not enough to patch all security holes that we hear about through the bugtraq list.
-Pak G- : Threats to Computer Security

Malicious Code:
Also known as a rogue program. It will cause undesired effects in the programmer’s part. The effect is caused by an agent, with the intention to cause damage. The agent for malicious code is the writer of the code who causes its distribution. Various kinds of malicious code include virus, Trojan horse, logic door, trapdoor and backdoor, worm and many others.
Unauthorised access to the computer system. Hackers are persons who learn about the computer system in detail. They write program referred to as hacks. Hackers may use a modem or cable to hack the targeted computers.
Natural Disaster:
Threatened by natural or environmental disaster. Eg: Flood, Fire, Earthquakes, storms and tornados, Excessive Heat and Inadequate Power Supply
Two types of computer theft:
1. Computer is used to steal money, goods, information and resources.
2. Stealing of computer, especially notebook and PDAs.
- Pak G- Defination of Computer Security

Protecting our computer systems & the information they contain against unwanted access, damage, destruction or modification. Types of computer security are:
1. hardware security
2. software security/data security
3. network security
Computers need to be protect from any intruders such as hackers, crackers and script kiddie.
-Pak G- : Computer Crimes

Having an intention to take advantage over or causing loss to other people. It includes e-mail hoaxes, programme fraud, investment schemes, sales promotions & claims of expertise. We need to be aware of other computer frauds such as health frauds, scams and hacking. We will also most likely get false information.
Copyright Infringement:
A violation of the rights secured by a copyright. It involves illegal copy or reproduction of copyrights material by the black market group. The open commercial sale of pirated item is also illegal. Currently, the most perfect copy of the original copy can be downloaded.
The unauthorised use of another person’s property with the intention to deny the owner the rightful possession of that property or its use. Eg:
  • transfer of payments to the wrong accounts
  • tap into data transmission lines on database at no cost
  • divert goods to the wrong destination

Any activities taken to disrupt the equipment of computer systems, change processing control or corrupt stored data. It can be in the forms of:

  • physical attack that disrupt the computer facility or its transmission lines.
  • an electronic attack that uses the power of electromagnetic energy to overload computer circuitry.
  • a computer network attack that uses a malicious code to exploit a weakness in software, or in the computer security practices of a computer user.

-Pak G-


I just received a sms from Cikgu Roszilawati saying that she is also on leave today - emergency leave. So, I contacted Cikgu Anas to take you to our computer lab. Here is what you should do today, i.e. to update the ICT notes. Write the notes according to our learning area starting from " : Explain briefly the computer crimes below:".
The following posts are all the notes - according to the learning area that you have to complete by today. If the notes is to long, please feel free to summarized it. It is your notes, not mine. You are the one who will be using it, not me.
Please pass up your book to Cikgu Anas at the end of the class.
- Pak G-
1. I hope we don't have to repeat the 'pumping' session. I hope it is still in our mind. He ... he ... he.
2. Good luck guys.

On Leave

I will be on leave today (06/04/09) 'coz I have an appointment at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah. So I couldn't attend your ICT class this morning. Anyway, it is not a free period for you - I have told Cikgu Roszilawati what to do. See you on Wednesday (08/01/09) .
Sorry for the late notice - I should have inform you earlier. Anyway, better late than never.
-Pak G-
Your April Examination is just at the corner. So guys, please do you revisions and discussion. I want you to collect more A's this time. Good Luck.

The Second Polling Result

Below is the result of the poll on 'what you think of the price of the food at our canteen now':
Much Cheaper: 28%
Still the same: 65%
Don't know: 7%
I'll tell our pengetua about the result when I got the opportunity. Thank you for those who voted.
- Pak G -
The photo above has been edited using 'Picasa' . It is easy & very friendly. Try it & you can do more with it. You can download it

Saturday, April 4, 2009


~ Apa yang penting? Kerjasama ~
Bellow is the original message (I didn't make and moderation) mailed to me sometimes ago by your senior. Sorry guys... I totally forgot about it until I came across it again only this morning. Your support is needed.
"seperkara lagi, baru-baru nie kami dah buat satu forum dedicated ntuk budak2 kolej dengan semua pelajar. ini alamtnya kalu ada apa-apa komen cigu boleh contact saya. saya rasa mungkin sebab logo kolej jer kot. minta-minta cikgu boleh tolong saya promote forum tu. sebab rakan-rakan kolej dekat luar sana tu semua tanya saya kolej nieh tak ada forum sepaya lepa smua boleh keep up to date degan cikgu-cikgu mereka. harap-harap cikgu support usaha saya nie..."
-Pak G-